Thursday, June 19, 2014

MAC Moody Blooms Collection ***6/19 update!***

***UPDATE!!!*** NNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! I just saw Temptalia's tweet about Moody Blooms online launch being moved to the 24th! Needless to say, I was a little distraught at this because I've only been watching the website.........since midnight. So I guess my purchases will have to wait...



As most of you know, Mac is a pretty popular cosmetics company based out of Canada. I guess it's a semi-luxury brand. Definitely not drug store brand---that's for sure.

I. Love. MAC! At first I was hesitant. Eh, what's the big whoop about Mac? Plus not to mention everything is super expensive! Why would I want to get into something like that?

Then I bought a limited edition lip glass in a nude color... Super pigmented for "gloss". It was more like a liquid lipstick. Either way, I fell in love and MAC is now one of my all time favorite cosmetic companies. Especially when it comes to lip products. I also realized that MAC is not really THAT expensive. Pretty much middle of the road. Some cosmetic companies out there charge $50 for a lip-gloss!!!

That shit better have diamonds or gold in it to pay that much.

MAC has "collections" that they release periodically that are theme based. For example, they had a Maleficent collection, or they have seasonal collections that they'll name relatively. These collections are mostly limited edition, but sometimes something in the collection may get added permanently. I don't always buy into the collections because I'm afraid it will be something I absolutely cannot live without and when it's gone---who knows when it will be back!!! I have purchased a few things, however. I picked up a kit from their winter/Christmas collection "Divine Night":

A cute makeup bag, with some mascara, a paint pot (I gave to a friend), a gel liner and a dual sided brush. It was $22... I think. I honestly don't remember because it was so long ago. HAHAHA. Everything else I have is in their permanent collection.

Then I heard about Moody Blooms.




I INSTANTLY fell in love with this collection! The colors are so gorgeous and bold without being... NEON.

Here is a little preview:
Uh. May. ZING!

I'm head over heels for the shadows. Everything else, I'm in serious LIKE with. So I could take it or leave it.

The collections makes it's debut on tomorrow!!! TOMORROW! It feels so far away! But I will definately be on EARLY tomorrow morning to make my purchase!

I'll post swatches as soon as I get them. 

See you soon!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Chaos incarnate and surgery

That should be my name. Just Chaos. 

Between potty training, taking binkies away, work projects, trying to spring clean, Stanley Cup playoffs---

I've had no time for blogging. Makes me sad. I actually had some videos I was working on, and then *POOF* gone. Yay for technology. *scowl*

I DID get a new camera! YAY! I got a Canon Rebel T3i. Takes some great picture, too! I'm working on a new set up at home--but we're also still "spring" cleaning. We have a lot of stuff to go through, and quite frankly, we're growing out of our 2 bedroom apartment. We'll probably only be there for another year, and then we're going to start looking at houses to rent. Or potentially a rent to own situation? We'll see as time gets closer. Either way, it's time to go! 

Onto the surgery story!

It's been a while since I've gone to the gym. Not going to lie, I've fallen off that bandwagon. But the reason I stopped going was because I was having this weird pain in my abdomen. I just though that I had pulled a muscle. It would go away for a few weeks, and then come back. I didn't really notice a pattern until about March/April when it was bothering me enough, I couldn't wear jeans and had also noticed a lump just below my belly button. He had referred me to see a general surgeon--the same day. Joy. My primary doctor was suspecting a hernia, and so was I. So just a few hours later I was sitting in the general surgeons office. After he poked, pushed and prodded the lump in my abdomen---which hurt like hell, by the way--- he still wasn't 100% what it was. So he wrote up an order for a triple contrast CT scan. For those of you who don't know what a triple contrast CT scan is, I'll spare you the gory details and tell you to just google it. 

I then proceeded downstairs to the hospital to get the CT scan. Since I didn't have an appointment already set up, I got to sit and wait. And wait. And wait. And wait. I waited for a good 2-3 hours before they finally took me back to start drinking barium and to wait for another hour. The barium wasn't bad. Not something I'd like to drink ALL the time, but I managed to down both tubes of it. The staff finally got me in and did the scan. Like I said before---not going into details about that. No. Way. 

As if things couldn't get crazy enough---the surgeon had told me that once the scan was done to go right back up to his office and we would discuss the results. Well by the time I was done, he was already gone. I was told that they would call me with the results. Mmmmmk well my phone was almost dead, and I don't answer my phone while driving. Sure enough, about 10 minuets into my trip, my phone rings and it's the hospitals number. I pulled over and called back real quick after they didn't leave a message. The tech picked up and I asked about my results. Of course he didn't have the information in front of him so he said "Just call your primary care physician tomorrow. They'll have the results, too, and should be able to go over them with you." So I wasted an ENTIRE day---just to end it empty handed. 

The next day, I was on the phone before I went to work. I knew I would have to leave a message and then wait for a phone call back. Around 4pm is when my primary care doctor finally called me back. He said that the results showed "inflammation due to an endometrioma." 

Ummm.... what?

An endometrioma is a collection of endometriosis cells that come together and basically form a cyst/tumor. So my first though was, my God if I have an endometrioma, does that mean I have endometrioSIS? My primary care doctor said it may be a possibility. My heart sank. There is still room in my life for another little one and I didn't want that ripped away from me. I decided to get in contact with my OB/GYN and have him look at the test results. I didn't get in to see them until about a month later. During that time, I was trying to get copies of the scan, the findings report, etc. What a disaster THAT was! 

The day came to go visit my OB/GYN. I was dreading the procedures I may have to endure to completely confirm my diagnosis. As I'm sitting in the room with the nurse, she's reading the report with me...

Ready for this?

NO WHERE on the report does it say "inflammation due to endometrioma". The report stated something about a small umbilical hernia. I instantly face-palmed. I couldn't even begin to fathom why my primary care doctor told me what he did. My OB/GYN came in a few minuets later and went over the report with me again, we chatted for a few and then I was done. Guess what that cost me? Almost $200. What. A. Waste.

I was on the phone with my primary doctor as soon as I left my OB/GYN's office. Since so much time had passed, he couldn't honestly remember why he had told me that. He informed to contact the surgeon again for another appointment. At this point I'm so frustrated, I could scream. I'm wasting all this money going back and forth between physicians who can't give me a straight answer. 

I called the surgeon's office, made the appointment and was back in to see him in just a few days. When we went over the report together, the surgeon was telling me that they really couldn't tell EXACTLY what it was via the scan. The only way to really find out what was causing me the pain and the lump, was to cut me open. DO IT!!! I was tired of being in pain. Tired of not wearing jeans. Tired of felling like my insides were going to fall out. His nurse came in a few minuets later and we scheduled my surgery for a couple of weeks later. Apparently the hospital can only schedule the day---the time will be decided the day before. I didn't even care at that point. I just wanted it done and over with. 

May 2nd comes---we wake up and 4:45am, since we have to be there by 6am. I'm NOT a morning person. Not even a little. I wasn't nervous yet. At this points I've had 4 surgeries in my life---3 of them being something abdominal. I was all prepped, ready to go, kissed the hubs, told him I loved him and made my way back to the OR. THIS is when I ALWAYS get nervous. I hate that the ORs look like it's in the basement of the hospital and apart of the morgue. Then you walk into the actual room you'll be operated in and you see the small table that looks like a cross. That's not comforting AT ALL. but once I was in the room and on the table, they put something in my IV to help me relax. Yyyyyyep. Didn't care what happened to me at that point. Last thing I remember was them putting the mask on my face. I think I heard someone tell me to breath deeply, but I honestly don't remember. 

I woke up to THE worst pain I've EVER been in. More than when I broke my foot, more than after any surgery I've had, more than any contraction I've ever had. I instantly had tears in my eyes and I was begging for something to relieve the pain. The nurse put something in my IV, and it didn't. Do. Shit. Then of course she wants me to sit up! At this point, I hate this nurse. I'm still polite because I don't have a rude bone in my body (thank you customer service job) but I really don't like her. I don't know HOW, but I manage to move from the bed to a chair when my husband joins me. He can see I'm in pain and asks if I've been given anything. I say yes, but it's not doing anything. The nurse says she'll get me a vicodin to take before I leave to take the edge off. In my head I was screaming "You'd damn well better!"

Let me say this, If that's even anything remotely what it feels like coming out of a tummy tuck surgery, I've decided that I will NEVER get that done. It took me a good 2 weeks before I was walking any kind of "normal". I even had to take an extra day off work for recovery, because I was NOT ready for that. 

My husband proceeded to tell me that the surgery took longer than initially expected. It was only supposed to be about a 45 minuet procedure. It ended up taking an hour and a half. The reason it took so long was because there was a cyst/tumor that was the size of a quarter and had finger like tendrils that extended out from it and into my abdominal muscles. So they had to cut into my muscle to remove it. The doctor compared it to creating and repairing a hernia. Well no wonder I was in so much damn pain! I didn't have a hernia, but a cyst/tumor that created a hernia WHEN removed. 

It goes without saying that I was doubling up on the pain pills for the first couple of days and I didn't even sleep in my bed the first night. 

Here is where things get REALLY interesting...

A few days after my surgery, I'm sitting in my trusty recliner chair, watching some Breaking Bad when my phone rings. The number is coming up for my doctor's office. So I answer it, and it's a nurse telling me they have the biopsy results from the surgery. Ok. Cool. I was finally going to know what was causing me pain these last few months...

A collection of endometrial tissue...

An endometrioma. 

Seriously!? This whole time!? It was the initial diagnosis!? AHHHHHH!!! I was so frustrated, and relieved at the same time. It was done and over with. I knew what it was. What happened to me is EXTREMELY rare. 

It is a side effect of my C-sections. If you don't know what endometriosis is, the jist of it is the  cells from the lining of the womb (uterus) grow in other areas of the body. Typically on the outside of the uterus and ovaries. What happened with me was when I had my C-sections, the cells were open to go anywhere in my abdominal cavity. Typically, nothing happens because it's not the right environment for the cells to grow and accumulate. Well the cells in MY body apparently found JUST the right place to accumulate and grow. It explains why I had pain that would come and go every few weeks. They are trying to menstruate. 

Right now, I'm not concerned about if I have full blown endometriosis. The surgeon isn't 100% that he got ALL of the endometrial tissue either. There's no real way to know. Only time will tell. When the time comes for the hubs and I to start to try and have kids again, we'll see what happens. I have 2 beautiful girls now, so I don't foresee it being an issue. I'm just happy that it's out, I can wear jeans again, and I can start going back to the gym again. 

The husband and I are going to start biking again, and we're both wanting to get a weight set. We also want to go hiking and camping more. We've kind of been on a "prepping" kick lately. Not CRAZY prepping, but we'd like to be prepared enough for when something does happen that we're not OH MY GOD! WHAT DO WE DO!?!? Plus, it's a benefit to be in shape if something were to happen. That way it's not a huge deal if we had to walk a great distance to get somewhere. 

If you ARE into anything apocalyptic then stay tuned---my husband is writing a book about an apocalyptic situation!!! We're in the process of finishing the editing and we'll be putting it on the Amazon bookstore. Yay! 

I'll post the teaser for it soon. 

So that's where I've been most of these months. I'm hoping to start posting more frequently again. 

I'd talk about the Hawks---but that didn't happen. *scowl*

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Time to start saving...

So I won't be posting any hauls for a LONG while. We have an Xbox, Christmas and other things we need to save for/pay off. So, for the next 6 months or so, my posts will be dedicated to reviewing products I already have, makeup/nail tutorials, and anything fitness related. 

Be on the lookout for the following tutorials:

Tiffany and Co. Nails
Cortana Nails
Bella Gema Nails inspired nails (It's based on a shirt she was wearing--the colors were AMAZING)
Haloween cat & skull nails

Bella Gema Nails (based off the same top for the nails)
Cortana inspired look
Elegant fall look
Husband does my makeup!
3 minute makeup challenge!

I'll start filming these this weekend!

If you have any tutorials you'd like to see, let me know!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Link up!!! SkinnyMeg Workout Wednesday - Feeling like a failure...

It's link up time! Workout Wednesday with SkinnyMeg!


Check out Skinny Meg's Blog! 

So this is supposed to be a kick ass super motivating blog post! YAY!

Nope. Not gonna lie. I've fallen off the bandwagon. BIG time. I'm hoping that blogging more about it, and linking up will help keep me motivated and help keep me accountable for my actions. I haven't gained a whole lot of weight, just a few pounds, so it hasn't been completely out of control.

I recently went to a seminar about Excellent Customer Service. One of the things we talked about was setting goals. When it comes to setting goals, there are a few things you need to do in order to be successful in achieving your goals. (Maybe everyone already knows this, but it was insightful to ME)

1. Write your goals down. Ok. So I'm DECENT at this. Not the best. I think my problem is, I write/type them, but don't have them in a place that I can SEE them everyday. So I'm thinking that I should write/type out my goals, and then write them on the big 'ol mirror in my bedroom. I've started to pick up on my blogging, so there's no reason why I can't pick up on my goals. :)

2. Set a time to have the goal completed!!!! THIS!!!!! This is something I don't really... do. And I should. This is another thing I feel could help with accountability. If I meet my "deadline", I'll reward myself--not with FOOD, but with a beauty/fashion/gaming item!

In lieu of this seminar and the valuable information I took from it, I'm making a list of goals for everyone to see, and I will be transferring these to the mirror I look into errrrryday. (I'm so vaaaaain.)

- Lose 15 lbs by December 31st. While this seems COMPLETELY obtainable, I want to be SAFE and obviously, getting my butt to the gym is challenging, so I think it's challenging-ly obtainable. Don't know if that's even a word. Don't care.

-Come up with a daily body section work out (leg day, arm day, back day, etc) by September 30th. I wanted to give myself enough time to REALLY research some moves that would work with the equipment I have access to, as well as what was safe for me as a newbie (again---*sigh*)

- Starting September 16th, I will ride my bike to and from work.

- Starting September 16th, I will incorporate a morning and evening routine for myself and my family. As well as a routine for the weekends.

I'm starting with these. And I'm stickin' to it.

The point is, I'm human. We're all human. We have ups, downs, sideways and backwards times. I've made some mistakes, but I learn from those mistakes and I make better decisions as I go. I've learned from the mistakes I've make before, and in doing so, has lead me to make better decisions. Because I've that, I'm not back up to 198 like I was when I started. I honestly don't know my weight, but I'm not concerned with the number right now. I'm more concerned with how I feel. Emotionally and physically.

Anyone else struggling like I am? Let's keep each other motivated!!!

To sweaty awesomeness and lean mean healthy bods!!! Let's guzzle some water! :D

Until next time!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Review - Gelish VitaGel in Recovery

If you haven't seen my video review on this {which you should if you've subscribed to my YouTube channel *hint hint* *nudge nudge*} check it out here: (Demo video is listed below)

I originally saw a video on the "Strength" version of the VitaGel on JapanNailsandMore's YouTube channel. I was a bit hesitant at first, as I don't have good luck with nails strengtheners. But then I saw that Gelish came out with a Recovery formula specially designed for weak nails, I decided to give it a shot.

As mentioned in my video, a lot of people on Amazon said that the product would just peel off their nails in complete chunks. Or something along those lines. I can assure you that has NOT been the case with me. I've had SOME lifting, but that is from my nails impacting objects. I'm not used to having my nails this long, and it DOES take some getting used to. But my nails have been noticeably stronger, and this is a purchase I give 2 thumbs WAY up!

The deets on VitaGel in Recovery:

I purchased this off Amazon from Salon Supply Store. You can also find them on Ebay. I purchased it for $14.64 for a .5 fl oz (15ml) bottle. For a .3 fl oz (9ml) from Sally Beauty Suppy (the only place I can seem to find Gelish polish locally) was $20.95!!! Right now it's on sale for $15.95--and that's still outrageous to me!!! Salon Supply Store was priced great and shipped fast. I had my package in 3 business days. I also ordered a Gelish color in "A Girl's Gotta Glow" ($12.95 for a .5 fl oz bottle) and some Gelish foundation ($13.95 for a .5 fl oz bottle).

The strengthener is loaded with vitamins E, A and B5 and is specially designed to continuously release them throughout the 14 days of wear. Or in my case, longer--since I seem to have THE hardest time getting soak offs OFF! I wish I was kidding, but for some reason (doesn't matter the brand) I can't soak off the gel polish. I use 100% pure acetone and do the foil method with heat for 30-40 mins and it only takes the top layer off. The layer below is super sticky, but won't budge. So I've ended up filing it off my nails the last 2 times. I'm still trying some different techniques, and I'll also purchase a different acetone brand too. Right now, I'm using the Up and Up Target brand. So maybe that's the REAL issue. 

All in all, I recommend this product for those of us with weak nails who are looking for a longer solution nail strengthener that REALLY works.

Here is a demonstration on how to use the Recovery Vitagel:

As far as the file I used in the video, I still don't know the grit. Everything I've seen has a special name. "Cushion" or "Buffer" file. Unfortunately, the kit didn't specify a grit, or anything like that. Boo-urns.

I hope this information is helpful for you!

Until next time!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Ript Apparel, Fash Forward Boutique, Beautylish and Em Cosmetics HAUL!

I've been busy lately!!! Spending WAAAYYY too much money. HAHAHA. Ow well. As long as bills get paid, food is in our bellies and something is saved, I can get some pretties for myself every once in a while...or week...daily. 

Moving on...

Here is the YouTube video for the haul:

Here is the DL on everything I bought:

Ript Apparel

I LOVE Ript Apparel! They're a local company to me (so I get my shirts FAST ;P) and they do a different artistic/nerdy shirt every 24 hours. The design of the day is printed on multiple items. Their Tees are $10, hoodies are $38, toddler sizes are $12, 18x24 posters are $20, 24x32 posters are $40, 4 coasters are $25, iphone cases (4,4s and 5) are $18.

As of late, they have been having a double design on certain days. The deal is if you buy each design on a Tee, you save $1. Just me, but I don't see a huge deal in a dollar. But maybe someone might. 

I love Star Wars and enjoy the older Disney movies. I don't really like what Disney has become as of late. Miley Cyrus anyone? And why should a middle schoolers be concerned about dating boys? No bueno, Disney. Stick to Pixar, animated full length features, and leave the crappy TV shows to someone else. 

I'm scared to see what will become of the Star Wars legacy with Disney involved. But I'm trying to remain optimistic. Much like I am Ben Affleck being Batman in the next Superman movie... *sigh* I'd better move on before I hop on the soap box...

Fash Forward Boutique

I don't like to buy anything clothes related off the internet (except tees--can't really go TOO wrong with tees) because I'm afraid of the sizing being off, or the colors being wrong. However, Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg have REALLY good taste in clothing when shopping online, and they've had nothing but awesome things to say about Kiki La'Rue and Fash Forward Boutique. Well one day I saw this shirt on Kiki La'Rue's instagram and I INSTANTLY fell in love with this shirt. But I couldn't afford it at the time. When I was finally able to afford it, my size was no longer in stock. While I'm confident about losing weight, I didn't want to buy a small JUST yet. Well a few weeks ago, I saw that Fash Forward Boutique had THE shirt! I went to their page and there it was! In my size and everything. SOLD! I've noticed that Kiki La'Rue and Fash Forward have a lot of the same items. Some items are different though. 

The shirt and shipping all together was $32.55. Pretty decent for a cute shirt like this! It also arrived pretty quickly. I am a satisfied customer, and will DEFINITELY be returning for more! Go check them out, and be sure to tell them I sent you! 


One of the YouTube gurus I subscribe to recommended that you create a Beautylish account as it's a great community of people who are professionals, beginners, inbetween-ers all coming together to enjoy all things beauty! Here is where you can find my Beautylish profile. There's not much on there, but I haven't had a chance to fully explore. 

They also have their own boutique where they sell makeup. They sell name brands, too. As well as some brands I've never heard of. So when you join, you get a $10 credit towards anything in their boutique! FREE MONEY!!! 

So I picked an Inglot eyeshadow, and a pretty red bow ring/palette. The ring was $10 (FA-REE!) and the eyeshadow was $6. Shipping was only $5---FOR 2ND DAY AIR FEDEX!!! WOW! I will definately be buying for the Beautylish boutique again. I'll also probably play on Beautylish for the entirety of the road trip I'll be taking next weekend. I can fill my profile with everything I like!

Swatch of the Inglot eyeshadow:

Em Cosmetics

When I first got into makeup, I started to watch a lot of YouTube. I was never into YouTube before then, but I sure as hell am now! One of the first people I subscribed to was Michelle Phan. She most certainly has come a long way. I'll admit I enjoy a lot of her older videos more than her newer ones. Seems like she's so super busy now with all of these companies that she started, etc. One of her endeavors was her own cosmetics line called "em cosmetics". This just recently launched, and their first deal was "Get started with em", which consisted of a lipstick, an eyeliner and a deluxe sample of one of the Life palettes for $27.50.

Normally the eyeliner is $20 and the lipstick is $16.50. They're not selling deluxe samples, but it shows that it would have been $7, according to my order history on their website.  So as you can see, it was a GREAT deal! I have to say though, I'm disappointing in the color of the lipstick. While is BOLD and gorgeous--It's just NOT for me. What I wanted, is what was on the website. Noooooot what I got. 

Image from
Don't Tell Mom color shown on website

Please excuse the horrid lip job. I didn't use liner. And I had chapstick on.
#beauty faux paux

I've used the eyeliner a few times and I really like it. Makes my eyes POP. As far as the deluxe sample of the palette goes, I haven't had a chance to play with it too much. But my first impression? Meh. It's ok. The taupe brown and blue are pigmented well, but the purple is kind of chalky and the lip color is more of a balm/gloss. Maybe it's supposed to be that way? But I'll do a look with it and see how I feel about it then. I'd probably want to try a few more products before I say anything about value. As it stands, I'm not sure that the retail pricing is really worth it. $20 for an eyeliner? I like it and all, but I don't think it's a $20 eyeliner. $12 maybe, but not $20. 

I totally sound like a negative Nancy right now, too! HAHAHA! Not trying to be. Just being honest. I would want people to be honest with me if I had a brand I was selling. How else can you improve, right? I'm not saying it's HORRID either. Just--Meh. 

Here are some swatches I did of the products I purchased:

R: Inglot shadow L: Turquoise liner

Deluxe Sample: Love Life R toL
Pupplies and Kitties, Springtime, Teal Rain, Melon

Top L to R: Don't Tell Mom Lip color, puppies and kitties, springtime, melon
Bottom L to R: Inglot shadow, turquoise liner, teal rain

I hope this information is helpful!

Until next time!

Friday, August 23, 2013

As summer is drawing to a close...

It's been a long and interesting summer.

It almost seemed too short. It's time to get back to the ol' grind.

So here's a little of what's been going on:

Over the summer, I've acquired a lot of new beauty products. Some I love. Some not so much. I plan on "raving" and "ranting" about my favorites and the absolute horrible ones. I'm also thinking of doing a collective summer haul video.

My "recording studio" (not even close) is under construction. I'm working on better lighting and getting a desk and chair. Because sitting on the floor is uncomfortable. Trisha Paytas--I don't know HOW you do it. Hahaha. I've also been looking into a better camera, or better apps and a tri-pod to better utilize my iPhone 5. Work. In. Progress.

I've been getting into nail art as well. I purchased a SensatioNail gel starter kit, and haven't gone back to regular polish since. I'll mostly use the polishes I have for my toes, or nail art designs over the gel. Pretty versatile. I'm also learning to make acrylic 3D nail art.

I'm working on some designs for the blog. I have a friend who does web design and I'll be getting with them on how to implement some changes I want to make here.

While I fell off the fitness bandwagon, I'm still maintaining a weight of 174-176, depending on the day. Now that K is gone, I'll be hitting the gym after work to get back on track. I also got a bike! I nice folder bike. I'll have more details about that later.

I cut my hair shorter.

We got a kitten! She's a little devil. Her name is Michonne.

I've also been playing my XBox a lot more. I've REALLY been into Halo. Master Chief is awesome. He also happens to be the morning radio DJ on the station I listen to. Amazing, right!? MASTER CHIEF IN THE MORNINGS. Seriously though, his name is Steve Downes--for those who DON'T know about Halo. I'm admittedly, not very good at FPS type games, however, I've been getting better day by day. I've been practicing with COD Black OPS bots, and am about to graduate to Battlefield 3 online. Yikes. I'm scuurrred!

The hubs and I pre-ordered the XBox One. I can't wait to go get it! They're supposed to have a huge release party, give out all kinds of SWAG, etc. The features they're offering for the XBox One just fit our lifestyle. I'm looking forward to have everything accessible through ONE box!

I have to say I'm pretty impressed with what Microsoft is doing these days. The hubs purchased the Nokia Lumia 920 and it's pretty nice. Sturdy phone, smooth OS. I have a couple of complaints about it, but I have complaints about my iPhone too and it's still not nearly as many as I do for Android phones. Windows 8 is nice too. I like the interface, and how you can use the phone like OS or switch the a "normal" desktop version for those not familiar with how the new interface works. Again, I'll a more detailed review type post for stuff like this later on.

Here are some pictures of happenings from this summer:

What a sucker. He did NOT want a new cat. But he named her and does this...
The girls at the 1st Division Museum @ Cantigny Park
Climbin' on tanks. Kids love this shit!
"Fire!" - K
K finally got her ears pierced!
I got a shitty haircut!
Gabey and Michonne SOMETIMES get along. But they're not trying to kill each other, so we're cool.

K is excited to go to Santa's Village!

J got more than she bargained for.

What a silly head. 
What you can't see is our fat asses squeezed into a tiny ride...

Pony ride!

More ponies!

J exploring at Santa's Village
I got my hair fixed and a LOT shorter!
K's last day. I miss her terribly...

So that was my summer! I'm also taking requests for videos! Do you want to see a makeup tutorial, recreation, a nail design for a special occasion??? Email me and let me know!