Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Link up!!! SkinnyMeg Workout Wednesday - Feeling like a failure...

It's link up time! Workout Wednesday with SkinnyMeg!


Check out Skinny Meg's Blog! 

So this is supposed to be a kick ass super motivating blog post! YAY!

Nope. Not gonna lie. I've fallen off the bandwagon. BIG time. I'm hoping that blogging more about it, and linking up will help keep me motivated and help keep me accountable for my actions. I haven't gained a whole lot of weight, just a few pounds, so it hasn't been completely out of control.

I recently went to a seminar about Excellent Customer Service. One of the things we talked about was setting goals. When it comes to setting goals, there are a few things you need to do in order to be successful in achieving your goals. (Maybe everyone already knows this, but it was insightful to ME)

1. Write your goals down. Ok. So I'm DECENT at this. Not the best. I think my problem is, I write/type them, but don't have them in a place that I can SEE them everyday. So I'm thinking that I should write/type out my goals, and then write them on the big 'ol mirror in my bedroom. I've started to pick up on my blogging, so there's no reason why I can't pick up on my goals. :)

2. Set a time to have the goal completed!!!! THIS!!!!! This is something I don't really... do. And I should. This is another thing I feel could help with accountability. If I meet my "deadline", I'll reward myself--not with FOOD, but with a beauty/fashion/gaming item!

In lieu of this seminar and the valuable information I took from it, I'm making a list of goals for everyone to see, and I will be transferring these to the mirror I look into errrrryday. (I'm so vaaaaain.)

- Lose 15 lbs by December 31st. While this seems COMPLETELY obtainable, I want to be SAFE and obviously, getting my butt to the gym is challenging, so I think it's challenging-ly obtainable. Don't know if that's even a word. Don't care.

-Come up with a daily body section work out (leg day, arm day, back day, etc) by September 30th. I wanted to give myself enough time to REALLY research some moves that would work with the equipment I have access to, as well as what was safe for me as a newbie (again---*sigh*)

- Starting September 16th, I will ride my bike to and from work.

- Starting September 16th, I will incorporate a morning and evening routine for myself and my family. As well as a routine for the weekends.

I'm starting with these. And I'm stickin' to it.

The point is, I'm human. We're all human. We have ups, downs, sideways and backwards times. I've made some mistakes, but I learn from those mistakes and I make better decisions as I go. I've learned from the mistakes I've make before, and in doing so, has lead me to make better decisions. Because I've that, I'm not back up to 198 like I was when I started. I honestly don't know my weight, but I'm not concerned with the number right now. I'm more concerned with how I feel. Emotionally and physically.

Anyone else struggling like I am? Let's keep each other motivated!!!

To sweaty awesomeness and lean mean healthy bods!!! Let's guzzle some water! :D

Until next time!

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