Let the random rambling begin!!!
It's Friday! Woo! I wish I was more excited about that, but I woke up in a grumpy mood today. So I think I'm going to clean my entire house this weekend. Will I actually do it? Probably not. I've tried countless times to do it all in one sitting, but I always end up getting only a room or two done. I'm just REALLY wanting to get my chaotic life straightened out. Kinda hard when I don't get the help I need to do it.
Now I know I'm not always on top of things, but I feel like when you have a partner, they should help you with that... right? On days you don't feel up to par, they should cover you and vice-versa. GRR! Just REALLY frustrating.
My goals for this weekend are:
- Pick up/Chemical clean house
including: clean out the fridge, under the kitchen sink, under the bathroom sink, clean the carpets, organize/shred paperwork
- Laundry (folding and putting away is the bane of my discontent)
- Start an exercise routine (via my ball, 30 day shred, or whatever!)
Doesn't look like much, but when you have 3 kids (yeah--3 kids. Not 2 kids and a husband) it makes it difficult. I don't want to go anywhere or do anything except what's on my goal list. If I can get the housework done on Saturday, then I don't mind going out on Sunday since it's FINALLY supposed to be cooling down by then.
On another note, K has been seeing a tutor for her reading issues. Her 1st grade teacher in LV wants to hold her back a year due to her reading struggles. I don't agree with that. Personally, I think her father should suck up his pride and let her come live with me where the schools offer special programs IN SCHOOL to provide assistance to children with learning struggles or disabilities. They don't have that in her school out there. It's all has to be done privately. But no, I pay him $500 a month. WHY would he want to give THAT up?! SO--I took it upon myself to get K a tutor this summer to help her and hopefully get her up to par with the reading level she should be at. Her tutor tells me that she's very smart and mature for her age and that reading seems to be the ONLY thing she struggles in and it's really because the way she was taught phonics was all wrong. Again... big surprise. So K is well on her way!!!
I seriously need a mani/pedi. My hands and feet are suffering!!! >.< I'd like to think I'd get to that this weekend, but I probably won't, so I'll just put it off for another day. I owe a mani/pedi to K too.
Next week, K starts her dance classes on Wednesdays. She's super excited about it. I am too. I still have to go get her a leotard and shoes. I'll be sure to post pictures like the crazy mom that I am.
Magic Mike was pretty good. It was a walking orgasm though. Jeeze. It wasn't something award winning that's for sure, but it made for an interesting girls night out. I can't wait to see Dark Knight Rises!!!! We've totally been nerd-ing out with our comics and animated movies revolving around Batman. 2 WEEKS! I'm kind of excited. D is excited about The Expendables. Me, not so much. I don't know why. I like action movies, but I didn't really LOVE the first one. So he can go see it, and I'll wait for the dollar theater.
I'm a subscriber to MyGlam and I don't know how I feel about this months bag so far. The sneak peeks they've been giving are "meh". Some face wipes, sunscreen, etc. But, that could change when I get it. After all, it's only $10. I'm not complaining for getting deluxe and full size products for $10. Plus it gives me some stuff to talk about on here. ;)
So I told you about that really bad storm that blew up over the weekend and knocked out all kinds of power all over the Chicagoland area. Well it looks like someones Jacuzzi tub decided to blow into my work parking lot. NO. JOKE. It wasn't light either!!!
And ever since then, it's been 100+ degrees with humidity. Needless to say I haven't been outside much and every time I walk outside, it's like being punched in the gut. The sheer thickness of the heated air knocks the wind out of you!!!
We didn't really do anything for the 4th. We mostly stayed indoors. K went with D to the in-laws so she could work on some of her homework while I stayed at home and did a little digging into Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. And downloaded some workout tunes. My workout tunes are TOTALLY different from what I usually listen to. When I'm in the car, or cleaning or just doing whatever, I usually like to listen to classic and/ or prog rock. When I'm working out, I like pop and dubstep. Crazy, no?
We did go check out some fireworks in Itasca though. For K's sake. But of course, being the dummies that we are, D and I forgot a diaper and binky for J. We just thought it would be a quick trip. Nnnnnnope. So we cut the trip short a bit, but it was ok because K was tired anyways. And so was I. On the way home, we got a good laugh at this:
Yeah. It says that. It was pretty funny and I thought I'd share that with you.
Well I think I'm done rambling for now. Everyone have a great weekend!!! See you Make-Up Monday!