Tuesday, May 14, 2013

KaBoom! 2013 and Mother's Day Weekend

I've had a real lazy couple of days. Just throwin' that out there. I'm not terribly concerned about it at this point as I'm about to bust out some squats while I'm writing this (booyah) and will hopefully be getting my OWN bike in the next coming weeks. Yay! Hello riding to and from work everyday! I'd like to be a runner, but my ankle just isn't having that right now. Someday, I'll get there. But for now, I'm gonna BIIIIIIIKE.

This weekend was eventful. On Saturday I headed to the south side of Chicago to help build a playground for a school that has never had a playground. I hitched a ride with a co-worker and headed down there at 7am... on a Saturday. Ugh. BUT it was totally worth it. Even though I didn't stay the whole time, I had a lot of fun. I got to work with parents and teachers of the school and it was really rewarding to see how happy they were. I only wish I could have stayed long enough to see the kids faces once it was done. As odd as it sounds, I wanted to help with the mulch (there was a LOT) but there was a TON of people helping with mulch, most of which were standing on top of the pile waiting for people to come back for more mulch. So I ended up hooking up with another co-worker and helped assemble some benches. The rest of my Saturday was spent being a veggie. 

KaBoom 2013
Mother's Day was relaxing too. We were supposed to get up early to go to a gun show... buuuut I sorta, kinda, maybe, slept in. Hey, I'm entitled to sleep in damnit! Work is crazy, takes up 85% of my week and since I had to get up early on Saturday, my body decided it was going to sleep in. So we went and got my mother in law a planter of purple flowers and a card. I already got my card on Friday since my 2 year old is impatient and gave it to me as soon as I got in the car. Still cute though. While the munchkin was napping, the hubs, myself and his brother headed to Ikea to pick up some display cases for John's legos. Don't hate on grown men having legos! I still play with legos too. Moving on-- I'm an Ikea-a-holic. If I was rich, my whole house with be nothing but Ikea furniture. With the exception of my blue Lazy Boy and my grandmother's china hutch. I could spend hours in Ikea JUST getting decorating ideas. I've even started a Pinterest board JUST for Ikea.

So horse IS on the menu.
So after Ikea, we went back to the 'rents and had steak for dinner--nom nom nom-- then went back home to get ready for the week. While getting things ready, I decided to take my measurements since I hadn't in about a month. Here are my measurements:

April 4th:
38- chest above bust
41- bust
38- waist
40- biggest part of "gut"
44- hips
25- left mid thigh
15.5- left calf
13.4- right upper arm

May 11th
37.5- chest above bust
39- bust
35- waist
39- biggest part of "gut"
41- hips
23- left mid thigh
15- left calf
13.5- right upper arm

That's a 12" loss! AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNDDDD I woke up to this today:

#progress. 1/2 way to 1st BIG goal!
Narcissistic moment in 3...2...1...

I'm so proud of myself. I'm really doing this. This isn't just another go balls to the wall for a week or two. I've been doing this for over 2 months now, and I have a lot to show for it. It would be so stupid of me to turn back now. I just have to keep pushing. I've made LIFESTYLE changes, and will continue to make them as I progress. My portions are smaller, and because of that, I eat less for my bigger meals. Now when I go to Chip Chip (commonly known as Chipotle') it's like getting a 2 for 1 meal!

OH and guacamole!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?!?! I'm seriously an addict. It's my banana replacement. I HATE bananas and avocados are a great source for potassium which is supposed to help recovery from hard workouts. So I'll now be buying avocados for snacks. 

I haven't been hitting the gym as much as I'd like to. To be honest, I've been super stressed with work. Ever since I fired my (ex) friend, the phones have been too crazy for me to even TRY to eat lunch at my desk. I would usually eat lunch at my desk AFTER I hit the gym. But I have 2 new people I'm trying to get on the phones, and once they're up and going, I'll head back to the gym to do more strength training. For now, I'll continue to bike and do squats. Maybe some push-ups. Maybe. 

My hubs said he's going to have to get me pepper-spray since the last 2 out of 3 times I've ridden home, I've almost gotten into a fight with some a-hole being a douche at the fact that I'm riding a bicycle. I just don't understand why people have to run their mouth about people on motorcycles and bicycles. It's ridiculous  I don't even ride on the street because I don't want to get hit. 

So my next post will be about the May Ipsy bag reveal and April Ipsy bag review--which will be a video review as well. I'll also go over my "Day and Night" nails too. Since I just got my May Ipsy bag today, I'll hopefully be doing the video for it tomorrow and have it up by the end of the week.

Day and Night Nails

Time for bed >.< zZzZzZz

Want to know more about Ipsy? Want an Ipsy bag? Click HERE for more information!

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