Sunday, May 26, 2013

April Ipsy Bag review, May Ipsy Bag 1st impressions, and Hauls!

Hey guys!

If you haven't seen it already, I've posted 2 new videos to my YouTube channel. The first one is the April Ipsy bag review and the May Ipsy bag first impressions.

I really LOOOOOOVE the Ipsy bags. I've been a subscriber since they started in December of 2011. There HAVE been some duds, however, overall I've been really happy with their goodies. Totes worth the $10 a month. If you're interested in getting subscribed CLICK HERE to sign up!! You have the option to pay monthly or yearly. I do it monthly. If you're already apart of Ipsy, come show my page some love! I'll be sure to love your page, too. 

I've been trying to get a makeup look put together for the May bag, but I've been super sick since Friday and my poor face is red and blotchy from blowing my nose all weekend long. So my poor nose and mouth are SUUUUPER chapped. Not a fun look to show the world. 

The other video I did was for a haul. I've been on a lip craze lately, so I've picked up quite a few lip products lately that I wanted to show off. I also picked up a few fitness products. One thing that gets me excited about fitness (besides the weight loss--duh) is the SWEET digs! Of course because I'm still in a bigger size, it makes it more difficult to get some of the cuteness.  All the more reason to keep going!!!
I won't tell you about the big ticket item--watch the video and see the amazing-ness of the Sephora purchase I made!!!!

I know my video quality isn't top notch. I'm working on a better set-up, and possibly getting a stand/tri-pod for my iPhone for higher quality videos. If you have any suggestions for iPhone accessories for filming, or decent film editing software (free) comment below and let me know!!

Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I'll probably end up filming my May Ipsy bag look. But we'll see. 

Next week I'll be doing a fitness post--mostly an update of how the month went, etc. 

If you have questions, comments, etc--comment below or email me! Don't forget to follow me. :)

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