K & J |
I have 2 girls. K and J. K is 7 and J is 2. Oh boy are they DIFFERENT! Granted they both have different fathers (sue me--I was married to K's dad and am now married to J's dad) but holy crap! Kailey is a GREAT child. She makes mistakes from time to time, but what kid doesn't. She rarely has to have a time out, or corner time, or whatever. She was a pretty good baby too. The only problem I ever had was getting her to sleep alone. She always needed someone in the room with her to fall asleep. She broke that habit long ago though. :)
K and I |
J on the other hand. Cripes. Forget it! She's a holy terror. Like a "typical" terrible 2's type child. If she doesn't get her way for whatever it may be, she throws a fit. Whether it's going limp and dropping to the floor kicking, or stomping and screaming, or throwing toys. Saying "No" to a question when she means yes is a favorite of hers, which leads into yet another fit. The only thing that's easy with her is going to bed!
J and I |
Not trying to toot my horn here, because everyone thinks their kids are genius', but J is really smart. She could say her ABC's and count to 20 BEFORE she turned 2. We're trying to wean her off the binky and when she DOES have it, she'll go hide it so when she doesn't have one she can go find the one she hid. She also loves to sing songs and talk up a storm. She's also a problem solver and very analytical. I try to block her from getting into her bookshelf and pulling everything down and she manages to take apart the blockade of baskets and stuffed animals and tear it apart anyways. I'll put a binky in my pocket before we go to the store and an hour later as we're strolling through Target, she sticks her hand in my pocket and grabs her binky. I don't think she's a GENIUS per say, but she's smart, and probably too smart for her own good. Which I think could attribute to her temper flares and fits.
I really don't know what to do about the fits. I've tried ignoring them due to the "you're giving the negative behavior attention is bad" view. I've tried scolding her, but that just makes it worse. I guess at this point I'm just hoping she'll grow out of it.
I just can't believe how different K and J are. K seems to have the fear of God in her, and J is just like "Whatever! I'm going to do what I want, WHEN I want."AHHH!!
What are some problems you face as a parent of a child who has massive temper flares and fits? Any suggestions?
Tomorrow is Weigh-in Wednesday! >.<
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