Whew! It's been a really hecktic few weeks! I've actually got all of the videos recorded that I'd like to post, I just don't have a working computer to upload them to. As of right now, I'm working on my work computer or my phone. :(
Hopefully in the next couple of weeks I'll be back up and running. I've also been trying to grow my Mary Kay business and the beginning of this year has been BOOMING! Especially with all of the great deals I have going on. A TON of BOGO free sales :)
I'll keep you all up to date!!!
If you're local--be safe in this CRAZY snow storm!!!
<3 Me!
Hey everyone!
So I've been super sick this past week and haven't been able to do my video hauls and review like I've wanted to :( Boo-urns.
So here's what's up and coming:
Redken Align 12 review
It's A 10 review
Coastal Scents Brush and FASH Brush Haul/review *FASH brushes were a Christmas gift*
The M.A.C. Store review
AND MOAR!!! Mwuahahahaha!!!
<3 Me!